About Mallacan


There is nothing quite like a great song to brighten up your day, or a sad song to get you through your first breakup. I love music and I wanted to share my love for the creative arts through this blog.

My name is Joe Briscoe and I am a Restaurant Manager living in Bolton, England. I am an avid guitar player in my spare time and I always try to bring the vibrancy of music and art into the restaurant and in my own home. I used to play in a band in my younger days but now it just tends to be me in my home jamming some old tunes from way back when. Another thing I do in my spare time is going on walks with my wife, who is a wedding photographer, and we take some amazing pictures of wildlife around the world. Hence why I have chosen to include this topic within my blog because it has become a newfound passion for me and something I can share with my wife.

The content that this blog will provide will include but is not limited to; music around the world, instruments, oldies to newbies, art tips, classic art, and all types of photography. Therefore, I hope that you are able to find something of creative value to you and that will help you to enhance these wonderful facets of the world.

So step into my world and learn something new! You never know what you might achieve!

All The Best,
